- Регистрация
- 1 Апр 2022
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- 488
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- #21
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Зарегистрироваться!че то не так, вот логиz1poff добавил(а) новый ресурс:
Arizona RolePlay Supreme (Оригинальный мод) - Слив оригинального мода Arizona RP Supreme
Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
JIT plugin must be loaded before 'crashdetect.so'че то не так, вот логи
[11:10:58] Loading plugin: YSF_DL.so
[11:10:58] This version of YSF doesn't support SA-MP 0.3.7
[11:10:58] Use another version of YSF or build without SAMP_03DL
[11:10:58] Error: Unknown Linux server version (0x080A91D0)
[11:10:58] Error: Big part of YSF will be unusable for you
[11:10:58] Loaded.
[11:10:58] Loading plugin: YSF_DL_static.so
[11:10:58] This version of YSF doesn't support SA-MP 0.3.7
[11:10:58] Use another version of YSF or build without SAMP_03DL
[11:10:58] Error: Unknown Linux server version (0x080A91D0)
[11:10:58] Error: Big part of YSF will be unusable for you
не могу найти подключение бд (в library нет)z1poff добавил(а) новый ресурс:
Arizona RolePlay Supreme (Оригинальный мод) - Слив оригинального мода Arizona RP Supreme
Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
а щас?JIT plugin must be loaded before 'crashdetect.so'
Код:[11:10:58] Loading plugin: YSF_DL.so [11:10:58] This version of YSF doesn't support SA-MP 0.3.7 [11:10:58] Use another version of YSF or build without SAMP_03DL [11:10:58] Error: Unknown Linux server version (0x080A91D0) [11:10:58] Error: Big part of YSF will be unusable for you [11:10:58] Loaded. [11:10:58] Loading plugin: YSF_DL_static.so [11:10:58] This version of YSF doesn't support SA-MP 0.3.7 [11:10:58] Use another version of YSF or build without SAMP_03DL [11:10:58] Error: Unknown Linux server version (0x080A91D0) [11:10:58] Error: Big part of YSF will be unusable for you
Сам плагин mysql подключен. Осталось добавить вспомогательный плагин log-core.so в корень сервера (НЕ в папку plugins).а щас?
где само бд к серверу подключается? (в library нет)Сам плагин mysql подключен. Осталось добавить вспомогательный плагин log-core.so в корень сервера (НЕ в папку plugins).
Подключать log-core.so не нужно в server.cfg, плагин mysql сам его находит.
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[21:47:30] filterscripts = "" (string)
[21:47:30] Server Plugins
[21:47:30] --------------
[21:47:30] Loading plugin: crashdetect
[21:47:30] Failed (plugins/crashdetect: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:47:30] Loading plugin: sscanf
[21:47:30] Failed (plugins/sscanf: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:47:30] Loading plugin: streamer
[21:47:30] Failed (plugins/streamer: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:47:30] Loading plugin: mysql
[21:47:30] Failed (plugins/mysql: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:47:30] Loading plugin: pawncmd
[21:47:30] Failed (plugins/pawncmd: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:47:30] Loading plugin: TOTP
[21:47:30] Failed (plugins/TOTP: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:47:30] Loading plugin: md5
[21:47:30] Failed (plugins/md5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:47:30] Loading plugin: mapandreas
[21:47:30] Failed (plugins/mapandreas: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:47:30] Loading plugin: YSF
[21:47:30] Failed (plugins/YSF: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:47:30] Loading plugin: DC_CMD
[21:47:30] Failed (plugins/DC_CMD: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:47:30] Loading plugin: LauncherAddon
[21:47:30] Failed (plugins/LauncherAddon: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:47:30] Loading plugin: pawnraknet
[21:47:30] Failed (plugins/pawnraknet: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[21:47:30] Loaded 0 plugins.
[21:47:30] Filterscripts
[21:47:30] ---------------
[21:47:30] Loaded 0 filterscripts.
[21:47:30] Script[gamemodes/arizona.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[21:47:30] Number of vehicle models: 0
[21:48:18] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[21:48:19] [join] Slawa_Mihailo has joined the server (0:
[21:48:40] [part] Slawa_Mihailo has left the server (0:1)