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  • Если Вы желаете помогать развитию проекта, готовы заполнять раздел(-ы) и подсказывать другим пользователям на портале, есть возможность попасть в команду редакторов. Для этого следует обратиться в техническую поддержку
2 Дек 2023
После 10 минутной работы сервера

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[19:05:06] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[19:05:06] Server Plugins
[19:05:06] --------------
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.so
[19:05:06]   CrashDetect plugin 4.19
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: mapandreas.so
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: pawncmd.so
[19:05:06] Pawn.CMD plugin v3.2.0 by urShadow has been loaded
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: pawnraknet.so
[19:05:06] [Pawn.RakNet] plugin v1.5.1 loading...
[19:05:06] [Pawn.RakNet]

    | Pawn.RakNet 1.5.1 | 2016 - 2021
    | Author and maintainer: katursis

    | Compiled: Sep 26 2021 at 08:32:38
    | Repository: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.RakNet
    | Wiki: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.RakNet/wiki

[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: streamer.so

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so

[19:05:06]  ===============================

[19:05:06]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[19:05:06]          Version:  2.8.3       

[19:05:06]   (c) 2018 Alex "Y_Less" Cole 

[19:05:06]  ===============================

[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: TOTP.so
[19:05:06] TOTP plugin v1.0.1 by Games loaded.
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: YSF.so
[19:05:06]  ==============================================
[19:05:06]  YSF 2.2 (compiled Sep 19 2021 12:56:09) loaded
[19:05:06]   (c) 2008 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[19:05:06]   (c) 2010 - 2018 kurta999
[19:05:06]   (c) 2018 - 2020 IllidanS4
[19:05:06]  Server version: 0.3.7 R2-1 or R2-2, Linux
[19:05:06]  ==============================================
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: mysql_static.so
[19:05:06]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: libpawn_json.so
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: pawnbots.so
[19:05:06] Pawn.Bots plugin v0.2.1 by urShadow loaded
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loaded 11 plugins.

[19:05:06] Filterscripts
[19:05:06] ---------------
[19:05:06]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[19:05:06] [Pawn.RakNet] PR_RegHandler: Public pr_||_155 does not exist
[19:05:06] --------------------------------------
[19:05:06]  Античит Nex-AC загружен!
[19:05:06]  Версия античита: 1.9.54
[19:05:06]  Автор: Nexius
[19:05:06] --------------------------------------

[19:05:06]   [DataBase Alpine]: Ошибок не выявлено, загрузка продолжается!
[19:05:06] load 0
[19:05:06] load 1
[19:05:06] load 2
[19:05:06] load 3
[19:05:06] load 4
[19:05:06] load 5
[19:05:06] load 6
[19:05:06] load 7
[19:05:06] load 8
[19:05:06] load 9
[19:05:06] load 10
[19:05:06] load 11
[19:05:06] load 12
[19:05:06] load 13
[19:05:06] load 14
[19:05:06] load 15
[19:05:06] load 16
[19:05:06] load 17
[19:05:06] load 19
[19:05:06] load 20
[19:05:06] load 21
[19:05:06] load 22
[19:05:06] load 23
[19:05:06] load 24
[19:05:06] load 25
[19:05:06] load 26
[19:05:06] load 27
[19:05:06] load 28
[19:05:06] load 29
[19:05:06] load 30
[19:05:06] load 31
[19:05:06] load 32
[19:05:06] load 33
[19:05:06] load 34
[19:05:06] load 35
[19:05:06] load 36
[19:05:06] load 37
[19:05:06] load 38
[19:05:06] load 39
[19:05:06] load 40
[19:05:06] load 41
[19:05:06] load 42
[19:05:06] load 43
[19:05:06] load 44
[19:05:06] load 45
[19:05:06] load 46
[19:05:06] load 47
[19:05:06] load 48
[19:05:06] load 49
[19:05:06] load 50
[19:05:06] load 51
[19:05:06] load 52
[19:05:06] load 53
[19:05:06] load 54
[19:05:06] load 55
[19:05:06] load 56
[19:05:06] load 57
[19:05:06] load 58
[19:05:06] load 59
[19:05:06] load 60
[19:05:06] load 61
[19:05:06] load 62
[19:05:06] load 63
[19:05:06] load 64
[19:05:06] load 65
[19:05:06] load 66
[19:05:06] load 67
[19:05:06] load 68
[19:05:06] load 69
[19:05:06] load 70
[19:05:06] load 71
[19:05:06] load 72
[19:05:06] load 73
[19:05:06] load 74
[19:05:06] load 75
[19:05:06] load 76
[19:05:06] load 77
[19:05:06] load 78
[19:05:06] load 79
[19:05:06] load 80
[19:05:06] load 81
[19:05:06] load 82
[19:05:06] load 83
[19:05:06] load 84
[19:05:06] load 85
[19:05:06] load 86
[19:05:06] load 87
[19:05:06] load 88
[19:05:06] load 89
[19:05:06] load 90
[19:05:06] load 91
[19:05:06] load 92
[19:05:06] load 93
[19:05:06] load 94
[19:05:06] load 95
[19:05:06] load 96
[19:05:06] load 97
[19:05:06] load 98
[19:05:06] load 99
[19:05:06] load 100
[19:05:06] load 101
[19:05:06] load 102
[19:05:06] load 103
[19:05:06] load 104
[19:05:06] load 105
[19:05:06] load 106
[19:05:06] load 107
[19:05:06] load 108
[19:05:06] load 109
[19:05:06] load 110
[19:05:06] load 111
[19:05:06] load 112
[19:05:06] load 113
[19:05:06] load 114
[19:05:06] load 115
[19:05:06] load 116
[19:05:06] load 117
[19:05:06] load 118
[19:05:06] load 119
[19:05:06] load 120
[19:05:06] load 121
[19:05:06] load 122
[19:05:06] load 123
[19:05:06] load 124
[19:05:06] load 125
[19:05:06] load 126
[19:05:06] load 127
[19:05:06] load 128
[19:05:06] load 129
[19:05:06] load 130
[19:05:06] load 131
[19:05:06] load 132
[19:05:06] load 133
[19:05:06] load 134
[19:05:06] load 135
[19:05:06] load 136
[19:05:06] load 137
[19:05:06] load 138
[19:05:06] load 139
[19:05:06] load 140
[19:05:06] load 141
[19:05:06] load 142
[19:05:06] load 143
[19:05:06] load 144
[19:05:06] load 145
[19:05:06] load 146
[19:05:06] load 147
[19:05:06] load 148
[19:05:06] load 149
[19:05:06] load 150
[19:05:06] load 151
[19:05:06] load 152
[19:05:06] load 153
[19:05:06] load 154
[19:05:06] load 155
[19:05:06] load 156
[19:05:06] load 157
[19:05:06] load 158
[19:05:06] load 159
[19:05:06] load 160
[19:05:06] load 161
[19:05:06] load 163
[19:05:06] load 164
[19:05:06] load 165
[19:05:06] load 166
[19:05:06] load 167
[19:05:06] load 168
[19:05:06] load 169
[19:05:06] load 170
[19:05:06] load 171
[19:05:06] load 172
[19:05:06] load 173
[19:05:06] load 174
[19:05:06] load 175
[19:05:06] load 176
[19:05:06] load 177
[19:05:06] load 178
[19:05:06] load 179
[19:05:06] load 180
[19:05:06] load 181
[19:05:06] load 182
[19:05:06] load 183
[19:05:06] load 184
[19:05:06] load 185
[19:05:06] load 186
[19:05:06] load 187
[19:05:06] load 188
[19:05:06] load 189
[19:05:06] load 190
[19:05:06] load 191
[19:05:06] load 192
[19:05:06] load 193
[19:05:06] load 194
[19:05:06] load 195
[19:05:06] load 196
[19:05:06] load 197
[19:05:06] load 198
[19:05:06] load 199
[19:05:06] load 200
[19:05:06] load 201
[19:05:06] load 202
[19:05:06] load 203
[19:05:06] load 204
[19:05:06] load 205
[19:05:06] load 206
[19:05:06] load 207
[19:05:06] load 208
[19:05:06] load 209
[19:05:06] load 210
[19:05:06] load 211
[19:05:06] load 212
[19:05:06] load 213
[19:05:06] load 214
[19:05:06] load 215
[19:05:06] load 216
[19:05:06] load 217
[19:05:06] load 218
[19:05:06] load 219
[19:05:06] load 220
[19:05:06] load 221
[19:05:06] load 222
[19:05:06] load 223
[19:05:06] load 224
[19:05:06] load 225
[19:05:06] load 226
[19:05:06] load 227
[19:05:06] load 228
[19:05:06] load 229
[19:05:06] load 230
[19:05:06] load 231
[19:05:06] load 232
[19:05:06] load 233
[19:05:06] load 234
[19:05:06] load 235
[19:05:06] load 236
[19:05:06] load 237
[19:05:06] load 238
[19:05:06] load 239
[19:05:06] load 240
[19:05:06] load 241
[19:05:06] load 242
[19:05:06] load 243
[19:05:06] load 244
[19:05:06] load 245
[19:05:06] load 246
[19:05:06] load 247
[19:05:06] load 248
[19:05:06] load 249
[19:05:06] load 250
[19:05:06] load 251
[19:05:06] load 252
[19:05:06] load 253
[19:05:06] load 254
[19:05:06] load 255
[19:05:06] load 256
[19:05:06] load 257
[19:05:06] load 258
[19:05:06] load 259
[19:05:06] load 260
[19:05:06] load 261
[19:05:06] load 262
[19:05:06] load 263
[19:05:06] load 264
[19:05:06] load 265
[19:05:06] load 266
[19:05:06] load 267
[19:05:06] load 268
[19:05:06] load 269
[19:05:06] load 270
[19:05:06] load 271
[19:05:06] load 272
[19:05:06] load 273
[19:05:06] load 274
[19:05:06] load 275
[19:05:06] load 276
[19:05:06] load 277
[19:05:06] load 278
[19:05:06] load 279
[19:05:06] load 280
[19:05:06] load 281
[19:05:06] load 282
[19:05:06] load 283
[19:05:06] load 284
[19:05:06] load 285
[19:05:06] load 286
[19:05:06] load 287
[19:05:06] load 288
[19:05:06] load 289
[19:05:06] load 290
[19:05:06] load 291
[19:05:06] load 292
[19:05:06] load 293
[19:05:06] load 294
[19:05:06] load 295
[19:05:06] load 296
[19:05:06] load 297
[19:05:06] load 298
[19:05:06] load 299
[19:05:06] load 300
[19:05:06] load 301
[19:05:06] load 302
[19:05:06] load 303
[19:05:06] load 304
[19:05:06] load 305
[19:05:06] load 306
[19:05:06] load 307
[19:05:06] load 308
[19:05:06] load 309
[19:05:06] load 310
[19:05:06] load 311
[19:05:06] load 312
[19:05:06] load 313
[19:05:06] load 314
[19:05:06] load 315
[19:05:06] load 316
[19:05:06] load 317
[19:05:06] load 318
[19:05:06] load 319
[19:05:06] load 320
[19:05:06] load 321
[19:05:06] load 322
[19:05:06] load 323
[19:05:06] load 324
[19:05:06] load 325
[19:05:06] load 326
[19:05:06] load 327
[19:05:06] load 328
[19:05:06] load 329
[19:05:06] load 330
[19:05:06] load 331
[19:05:06] load 332
[19:05:06] load 333
[19:05:06] load 334
[19:05:06] load 335
[19:05:06] load 336
[19:05:06] load 337
[19:05:06] load 338
[19:05:06] load 339
[19:05:06] load 340
[19:05:06] load 341
[19:05:06] load 342
[19:05:06] load 343
[19:05:06] load 344
[19:05:06] load 345
[19:05:06] load 346
[19:05:06] load 347
[19:05:06] load 348
[19:05:06] load 349
[19:05:06] load 350
[19:05:06] load 351
[19:05:06] load 352
[19:05:06] load 353
[19:05:06] load 354
[19:05:06] load 355
[19:05:06] load 356
[19:05:06] load 357
[19:05:06] load 358
[19:05:06] load 359
[19:05:06] load 360
[19:05:06] load 361
[19:05:06] load 362
[19:05:06] load 363
[19:05:06] load 364
[19:05:06] load 365
[19:05:06] load 366
[19:05:06] load 367
[19:05:06] load 368
[19:05:06] load 369
[19:05:06] load 370
[19:05:06] load 371
[19:05:06] load 372
[19:05:06] load 373
[19:05:06] load 374
[19:05:06] load 375
[19:05:06] load 376
[19:05:06] load 377
[19:05:06] load 378
[19:05:06] load 379
[19:05:06] load 380
[19:05:06] load 381
[19:05:06] load 382
[19:05:06] load 383
[19:05:06] load 384
[19:05:06] load 385
[19:05:06] load 386
[19:05:06] load 387
[19:05:06] load 388
[19:05:06] load 389
[19:05:06] load 390
[19:05:06] load 391
[19:05:06] load 392
[19:05:06] load 393
[19:05:06] load 394
[19:05:06] load 395
[19:05:06] load 396
[19:05:06] load 397
[19:05:06] load 398
[19:05:06] load 399
[19:05:06] load 400
[19:05:06] load 401
[19:05:06] load 402
[19:05:06] load 403
[19:05:06] load 404
[19:05:06] load 405
[19:05:06] load 406
[19:05:06] load 407
[19:05:06] load 408
[19:05:06] load 409
[19:05:06] load 410
[19:05:06] load 411
[19:05:06] load 412
[19:05:06] load 413
[19:05:06] load 414
[19:05:06] load 415
[19:05:06] load 416
[19:05:06] load 417
[19:05:06] load 418
[19:05:06] load 419
[19:05:06] load 420
[19:05:06] load 421
[19:05:06] load 422
[19:05:06] load 423
[19:05:06] load 424
[19:05:06] load 425
[19:05:06] load 426
[19:05:06] load 427
[19:05:06] load 428
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [LoadOtherDataServer] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[19:05:06]   Filterscript 'map.amx' unload failed.
[19:05:07]   Filterscript 'map.amx' loaded.
[19:05:07]   Filterscript 'ilya.amx' unload failed.
[19:05:07]   Актеры подгружены > 146 count
[19:05:07]   3DTexts подгружены > 683 count
[19:05:07]   Pickups подгружены > 130 count
[19:05:07]   Filterscript 'ilya.amx' loaded.
[19:05:07]   Filterscript 'hostname.amx' unload failed.
[19:05:07]   Filterscript 'hostname.amx' loaded.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [LoadOtherDataServer] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Загружено PawnShop  -> 2 count.
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Modellimit            ->  119/Unlimited
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Загружено домов     ->  1208/1250
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Загружено бизнесов  ->  429/429
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Создано транспорта  ->  429/2000
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Создано объектов    ->  60800/Unlimited
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Создано гангзон     ->  0/1024
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Создано иконки      ->  1160/Unlimited
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Создано 3D текстов  ->  5153/Unlimited
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Создано трейлеров   ->  000015
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Загружено складов   ->  500/501
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Подгружено ADM Command -> 168
[19:05:07] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
[19:05:07] ilya.amx was database connect_id [0]
[19:05:07] _______________________________________________________
[19:05:07]  developer Morgan_Dev (@frenchmans) © braulk games 2024
[19:05:07]  founder Morgan_Dev (@vk.com/frenchmans)
[19:05:07]  arizona Alpine © 2024 - 202X
[19:05:07] _______________________________________________________
[19:05:07] Number of vehicle models: 78
[19:05:07] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[19:05:07] [join] Sandello has joined the server (0:
[19:05:07] [connection] incoming connection: id: 1
[19:05:07] [join] Dimon_Torreto has joined the server (1:
[19:05:10] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text SELECT `ID`, `Password` FROM `accounts` WHERE `NickName` = 'Sandello' LIMIT 1 & request authorization & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:10] text onSvelteAppInit | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:10] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text onSvelteAppInit & request onSvelteAppInit & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:10] text onSvelteAppVersion|1.0.0|5ede7f5 | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:10] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text onSvelteAppVersion|1.0.0|5ede7f5 & request onSvelteAppVersion & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:13] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 1 & text SELECT `ID`, `Password` FROM `accounts` WHERE `NickName` = 'Dimon_Torreto' LIMIT 1 & request authorization & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:13] text onSvelteAppInit | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:13] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 1 & text onSvelteAppInit & request onSvelteAppInit & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:13] text onSvelteAppVersion|1.0.0|5ede7f5 | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:13] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 1 & text onSvelteAppVersion|1.0.0|5ede7f5 & request onSvelteAppVersion & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:24] text vehicleMenu.loadList | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:24] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text vehicleMenu.loadList & request vehicleMenu.loadList & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:25] text vehicleMenu.loadVehicleInfo|0 | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:26] text vehicleMenu.loadList | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:26] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text vehicleMenu.loadList & request vehicleMenu.loadList & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:27] text vehicleMenu.loadVehicleInfo|0 | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:27] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text vehicleMenu.loadVehicleInfo|0 & request vehicleMenu.loadVehicleInfo & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:28] text vehicleMenu.buttonClick|8 | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:28] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text vehicleMenu.buttonClick|8 & request vehicleMenu.buttonClick & id_var [ 8, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:28] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:28] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:06:00] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:06:00] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 7832 in array of size 7826
[19:06:00] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:06:00] [debug] #0 004ee068 in GetAccessoryPlayerBuff (playerid=0, type=1) at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:92200
[19:06:00] [debug] #1 001f0930 in public ServerTimer () at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:54496
[19:06:12] text onActiveViewChanged|Phone | int 0,0,0,
[19:06:12] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 1 & text onActiveViewChanged|Phone & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:06:14] text launchedApp|14 | int 0,0,0,
[19:06:14] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 1 & text launchedApp|14 & request launchedApp & id_var [ 14, 0, 0 ]
[19:06:15] text onActiveViewChanged|DonationShop | int 0,0,0,
[19:06:15] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 1 & text onActiveViewChanged|DonationShop & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:06:17] text buyItemDonationButton|0|4 | int 0,0,0,
[19:06:23] [connection] incoming connection: id: 2
[19:06:23] [join] Swert has joined the server (2:
[19:06:24] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:06:24] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 1 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:06:29] text onSvelteAppInit | int 0,0,0,
[19:06:29] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onSvelteAppInit & request onSvelteAppInit & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:06:29] text onSvelteAppVersion|1.0.0|de4b995 | int 0,0,0,
[19:06:29] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onSvelteAppVersion|1.0.0|de4b995 & request onSvelteAppVersion & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:06:31] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text SELECT `ID`, `Password` FROM `accounts` WHERE `NickName` = 'Swert' LIMIT 1 & request authorization & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:07:00] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:07:00] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 7832 in array of size 7826
[19:07:00] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:07:00] [debug] #0 004ee068 in GetAccessoryPlayerBuff (playerid=0, type=1) at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:92200
[19:07:00] [debug] #1 001f0930 in public ServerTimer () at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:54496
[19:07:47] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:07:47] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 65535 in array of size 200
[19:07:47] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:07:47] [debug] #0 000728a0 in public ac_OnPlayerDeath (playerid=2, killerid=65535, reason=54) at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:23006
[19:07:47] [debug] #1 0001e4fc in public OnPlayerDeath (playerid=2, killerid=65535, reason=54) at ../library/anticheat.inc:3833
[19:07:55] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:07:55] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 65535 in array of size 200
[19:07:55] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:07:55] [debug] #0 000728a0 in public ac_OnPlayerDeath (playerid=2, killerid=65535, reason=54) at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:23006
[19:07:55] [debug] #1 0001e4fc in public OnPlayerDeath (playerid=2, killerid=65535, reason=54) at ../library/anticheat.inc:3833
[19:08:00] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:08:00] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 7832 in array of size 7826
[19:08:00] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:08:00] [debug] #0 004ee068 in GetAccessoryPlayerBuff (playerid=0, type=1) at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:92200
[19:08:00] [debug] #1 001f0930 in public ServerTimer () at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:54496
[19:08:08] text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessesList | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:08] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessesList & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:09] text business.list.select|0 | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:09] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text business.list.select|0 & request business.list.select & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:09] text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessInformation | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:09] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessInformation & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:12] text business.info.selectTab|15 | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:12] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text business.info.selectTab|15 & request business.info.selectTab & id_var [ 15, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:13] text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessesList | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:13] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessesList & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:14] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:14] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:14] text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessesList | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:14] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessesList & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:14] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:14] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:16] text onActiveViewChanged|StreetFood | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:16] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|StreetFood & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:17] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:17] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:18] 0, 0, 1727453298
[19:08:18] text onActiveViewChanged|ArizonaPass | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:18] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|ArizonaPass & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:22] text arizona-pass.showDialogBuyPremium | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:22] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text arizona-pass.showDialogBuyPremium & request arizona-pass.showDialogBuyPremium & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:23] text arizona-pass.purchasePremium | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:23] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:23] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:23] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:23] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:23] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:23] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:35] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error
[19:08:35] [debug] Native backtrace:
[19:08:35] [debug] #0 f7ad6ed6 in _Z13GetStackTraceRSt6vectorI10StackFrameSaIS0_EEPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:08:35] [debug] #1 f7acf210 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoRKN2os7ContextE () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:08:35] [debug] #2 f7ad005c in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler20PrintNativeBacktraceERKN2os7ContextE () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:08:35] [debug] #3 f7ad0bb6 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler7OnCrashERKN2os7ContextE () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:08:35] [debug] #4 f7ad65c2 in ?? () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:08:35] [debug] #5 f7fb15a0 in __kernel_rt_sigreturn () from linux-gate.so.1
[19:08:35] [debug] #6 f7b84786 in ?? () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
[19:08:35] [debug] #7 f72420dc in _ZN4CLog11LogFunctionEjPcS0_z () from plugins/mysql_static.so
[19:08:35] [debug] #8 f220e8eb in ?? () from ли тњ
[19:08:35] [debug] Registers:
[19:08:35] [debug] EAX: 00000000 EBX: f752a43c ECX: 00000021 EDX: f72e9436
[19:08:35] [debug] ESI: f6401010 EDI: e5d8eee1 EBP: f1d570f8 ESP: f1d568a4
[19:08:35] [debug] EIP: f7b84786 EFLAGS: 00010283
[19:08:35] [debug] Stack:
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000000: 000010de f6401010 f72420dc e5d8eee1
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000020: 6573206e f1d50074 f1d568dc 00000006
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000040: 34363031 6f592029 61682075 61206576
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000060: 204c5153 746e7973 203b7861 63656863
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000080: 6f632074 73657272 646e6f70 6f742073
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000000a0: 72657672 72657620 6e6f6973 726f6620
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000000c0: 6f742078 65737520 61656e20 27272072
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000000e0: e120e5ed f4e5d8ee e5edec2c d8eee120
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000100: 74612027 6e696c20 20312065 65755128
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000120: 746e756f 53206073 60205445 65766e49
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000140: 4c4c554e 20f3cd2c 21b8f1e2 ecfbf220
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000160: ff2cf4e5 20e0ed20 e5eff3d1 e320dff0
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000180: e5edecf9 d8eee120 df2cf4e5 ebeee320
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000001a0: e120e5ed f4e5d8ee ebf1c52c fbf220e8
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000001c0: d8eee120 ff2cf4e5 20e0ed20 e5eff3d1
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000001e0: f3e4e5f0 e5edecef d8eee120 df2cf4e5
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000200: eceff3e4 e120e5ed f4e5d8ee ff20c02c
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000220: e5edec2c d8eee120 ff2cf4e5 20e0ed20
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000240: 20df2ce9 eeebeee3 21ede5e4 c02ce9c0
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000260: eff3d120 20dff0e5 eeebeee3 21ede5e4
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000280: e5d82cf4 20ff2cf4 d120e0ed f0e5eff3
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000002a0: efe5d220 eee320df e5e4eeeb e5cd21ed
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000002c0: e8cd21ed eafff2f8 e5d12021 eee320df
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000002e0: eee320df e5e4eeeb eece21ed f2eee220
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000300: f2eeeaf0 2ce0e0e0 eee320df e5e4eeeb
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000320: e5e4eeeb e5cd21ed e7eeef20 eef0eee4
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000340: e5d12021 eee320df e5e4eeeb e5cd21ed
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000360: eece21ed f2eee220 eef2fd20 eee320df
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000380: e5eff3d1 d22021f0 20dfefe5 eeebeee3
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000003a0: eeebeee3 21ede5e4 f2f8e8cd 2021eaff
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000003c0: 20eee3ee 20dfeee2 eeebeee3 21ede5e4
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000003e0: 21ede5e4 eaf0e0cd e0e0f2ee 20df2ce0
[19:08:35] [debug] Loaded modules:
[19:08:35] [debug] 00000000 - 00187dc3 samp03svr
[19:08:35] [debug] f7fb1000 - f7fb2778 linux-gate.so.1
[19:08:35] [debug] f7f9f000 - f7fa1cfc /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2
[19:08:35] [debug] f7f7e000 - f7f9cb63 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
[19:08:35] [debug] f7dff000 - f7f88594 /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6
[19:08:35] [debug] f7cf9000 - f7dfd0d0 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libm.so.6
[19:08:35] [debug] f7cdb000 - f7cf7214 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
[19:08:35] [debug] f7afd000 - f7ce071a /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
[19:08:35] [debug] f7fb3000 - f7fdae0b /lib/ld-linux.so.2
[19:08:35] [debug] f7ab8000 - f7af9e08 plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f7fa5000 - f7fa85d8 plugins/mapandreas.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f79d3000 - f7abab50 plugins/pawncmd.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f7804000 - f79de690 plugins/pawnraknet.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f773e000 - f7803740 plugins/streamer.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f772d000 - f7734b4c /lib/i386-linux-gnu/librt.so.1
[19:08:35] [debug] f771c000 - f772b9b4 plugins/sscanf.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f7738000 - f773b7a0 plugins/TOTP.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f7630000 - f771d467 plugins/YSF.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f7200000 - f75a8ac7 plugins/mysql_static.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f7615000 - f762703c /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libnss_files.so.2
[19:08:35] [debug] f6000000 - f62f335c plugins/libpawn_json.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f6771000 - f68040a1 plugins/pawnbots.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f75b7000 - f75bbb9c /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libnss_dns.so.2
[19:08:35] [debug] f6757000 - f676d878 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libresolv.so.2

Помогите плиз
5 Июл 2024
После 10 минутной работы сервера

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[19:05:06] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[19:05:06] Server Plugins
[19:05:06] --------------
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.so
[19:05:06]   CrashDetect plugin 4.19
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: mapandreas.so
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: pawncmd.so
[19:05:06] Pawn.CMD plugin v3.2.0 by urShadow has been loaded
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: pawnraknet.so
[19:05:06] [Pawn.RakNet] plugin v1.5.1 loading...
[19:05:06] [Pawn.RakNet]

    | Pawn.RakNet 1.5.1 | 2016 - 2021
    | Author and maintainer: katursis

    | Compiled: Sep 26 2021 at 08:32:38
    | Repository: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.RakNet
    | Wiki: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.RakNet/wiki

[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: streamer.so

*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded ***

[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: sscanf.so

[19:05:06]  ===============================

[19:05:06]       sscanf plugin loaded.    

[19:05:06]          Version:  2.8.3      

[19:05:06]   (c) 2018 Alex "Y_Less" Cole

[19:05:06]  ===============================

[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: TOTP.so
[19:05:06] TOTP plugin v1.0.1 by Games loaded.
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: YSF.so
[19:05:06]  ==============================================
[19:05:06]  YSF 2.2 (compiled Sep 19 2021 12:56:09) loaded
[19:05:06]   (c) 2008 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[19:05:06]   (c) 2010 - 2018 kurta999
[19:05:06]   (c) 2018 - 2020 IllidanS4
[19:05:06]  Server version: 0.3.7 R2-1 or R2-2, Linux
[19:05:06]  ==============================================
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: mysql_static.so
[19:05:06]  >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: libpawn_json.so
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loading plugin: pawnbots.so
[19:05:06] Pawn.Bots plugin v0.2.1 by urShadow loaded
[19:05:06]   Loaded.
[19:05:06]  Loaded 11 plugins.

[19:05:06] Filterscripts
[19:05:06] ---------------
[19:05:06]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[19:05:06] [Pawn.RakNet] PR_RegHandler: Public pr_||_155 does not exist
[19:05:06] --------------------------------------
[19:05:06]  Античит Nex-AC загружен!
[19:05:06]  Версия античита: 1.9.54
[19:05:06]  Автор: Nexius
[19:05:06] --------------------------------------

[19:05:06]   [DataBase Alpine]: Ошибок не выявлено, загрузка продолжается!
[19:05:06] load 0
[19:05:06] load 1
[19:05:06] load 2
[19:05:06] load 3
[19:05:06] load 4
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[19:05:06] load 7
[19:05:06] load 8
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[19:05:06] load 13
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[19:05:06] load 15
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[19:05:06] load 19
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[19:05:06] load 179
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[19:05:06] load 189
[19:05:06] load 190
[19:05:06] load 191
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[19:05:06] load 193
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[19:05:06] load 195
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[19:05:06] load 197
[19:05:06] load 198
[19:05:06] load 199
[19:05:06] load 200
[19:05:06] load 201
[19:05:06] load 202
[19:05:06] load 203
[19:05:06] load 204
[19:05:06] load 205
[19:05:06] load 206
[19:05:06] load 207
[19:05:06] load 208
[19:05:06] load 209
[19:05:06] load 210
[19:05:06] load 211
[19:05:06] load 212
[19:05:06] load 213
[19:05:06] load 214
[19:05:06] load 215
[19:05:06] load 216
[19:05:06] load 217
[19:05:06] load 218
[19:05:06] load 219
[19:05:06] load 220
[19:05:06] load 221
[19:05:06] load 222
[19:05:06] load 223
[19:05:06] load 224
[19:05:06] load 225
[19:05:06] load 226
[19:05:06] load 227
[19:05:06] load 228
[19:05:06] load 229
[19:05:06] load 230
[19:05:06] load 231
[19:05:06] load 232
[19:05:06] load 233
[19:05:06] load 234
[19:05:06] load 235
[19:05:06] load 236
[19:05:06] load 237
[19:05:06] load 238
[19:05:06] load 239
[19:05:06] load 240
[19:05:06] load 241
[19:05:06] load 242
[19:05:06] load 243
[19:05:06] load 244
[19:05:06] load 245
[19:05:06] load 246
[19:05:06] load 247
[19:05:06] load 248
[19:05:06] load 249
[19:05:06] load 250
[19:05:06] load 251
[19:05:06] load 252
[19:05:06] load 253
[19:05:06] load 254
[19:05:06] load 255
[19:05:06] load 256
[19:05:06] load 257
[19:05:06] load 258
[19:05:06] load 259
[19:05:06] load 260
[19:05:06] load 261
[19:05:06] load 262
[19:05:06] load 263
[19:05:06] load 264
[19:05:06] load 265
[19:05:06] load 266
[19:05:06] load 267
[19:05:06] load 268
[19:05:06] load 269
[19:05:06] load 270
[19:05:06] load 271
[19:05:06] load 272
[19:05:06] load 273
[19:05:06] load 274
[19:05:06] load 275
[19:05:06] load 276
[19:05:06] load 277
[19:05:06] load 278
[19:05:06] load 279
[19:05:06] load 280
[19:05:06] load 281
[19:05:06] load 282
[19:05:06] load 283
[19:05:06] load 284
[19:05:06] load 285
[19:05:06] load 286
[19:05:06] load 287
[19:05:06] load 288
[19:05:06] load 289
[19:05:06] load 290
[19:05:06] load 291
[19:05:06] load 292
[19:05:06] load 293
[19:05:06] load 294
[19:05:06] load 295
[19:05:06] load 296
[19:05:06] load 297
[19:05:06] load 298
[19:05:06] load 299
[19:05:06] load 300
[19:05:06] load 301
[19:05:06] load 302
[19:05:06] load 303
[19:05:06] load 304
[19:05:06] load 305
[19:05:06] load 306
[19:05:06] load 307
[19:05:06] load 308
[19:05:06] load 309
[19:05:06] load 310
[19:05:06] load 311
[19:05:06] load 312
[19:05:06] load 313
[19:05:06] load 314
[19:05:06] load 315
[19:05:06] load 316
[19:05:06] load 317
[19:05:06] load 318
[19:05:06] load 319
[19:05:06] load 320
[19:05:06] load 321
[19:05:06] load 322
[19:05:06] load 323
[19:05:06] load 324
[19:05:06] load 325
[19:05:06] load 326
[19:05:06] load 327
[19:05:06] load 328
[19:05:06] load 329
[19:05:06] load 330
[19:05:06] load 331
[19:05:06] load 332
[19:05:06] load 333
[19:05:06] load 334
[19:05:06] load 335
[19:05:06] load 336
[19:05:06] load 337
[19:05:06] load 338
[19:05:06] load 339
[19:05:06] load 340
[19:05:06] load 341
[19:05:06] load 342
[19:05:06] load 343
[19:05:06] load 344
[19:05:06] load 345
[19:05:06] load 346
[19:05:06] load 347
[19:05:06] load 348
[19:05:06] load 349
[19:05:06] load 350
[19:05:06] load 351
[19:05:06] load 352
[19:05:06] load 353
[19:05:06] load 354
[19:05:06] load 355
[19:05:06] load 356
[19:05:06] load 357
[19:05:06] load 358
[19:05:06] load 359
[19:05:06] load 360
[19:05:06] load 361
[19:05:06] load 362
[19:05:06] load 363
[19:05:06] load 364
[19:05:06] load 365
[19:05:06] load 366
[19:05:06] load 367
[19:05:06] load 368
[19:05:06] load 369
[19:05:06] load 370
[19:05:06] load 371
[19:05:06] load 372
[19:05:06] load 373
[19:05:06] load 374
[19:05:06] load 375
[19:05:06] load 376
[19:05:06] load 377
[19:05:06] load 378
[19:05:06] load 379
[19:05:06] load 380
[19:05:06] load 381
[19:05:06] load 382
[19:05:06] load 383
[19:05:06] load 384
[19:05:06] load 385
[19:05:06] load 386
[19:05:06] load 387
[19:05:06] load 388
[19:05:06] load 389
[19:05:06] load 390
[19:05:06] load 391
[19:05:06] load 392
[19:05:06] load 393
[19:05:06] load 394
[19:05:06] load 395
[19:05:06] load 396
[19:05:06] load 397
[19:05:06] load 398
[19:05:06] load 399
[19:05:06] load 400
[19:05:06] load 401
[19:05:06] load 402
[19:05:06] load 403
[19:05:06] load 404
[19:05:06] load 405
[19:05:06] load 406
[19:05:06] load 407
[19:05:06] load 408
[19:05:06] load 409
[19:05:06] load 410
[19:05:06] load 411
[19:05:06] load 412
[19:05:06] load 413
[19:05:06] load 414
[19:05:06] load 415
[19:05:06] load 416
[19:05:06] load 417
[19:05:06] load 418
[19:05:06] load 419
[19:05:06] load 420
[19:05:06] load 421
[19:05:06] load 422
[19:05:06] load 423
[19:05:06] load 424
[19:05:06] load 425
[19:05:06] load 426
[19:05:06] load 427
[19:05:06] load 428
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [LoadOtherDataServer] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[19:05:06]   Filterscript 'map.amx' unload failed.
[19:05:07]   Filterscript 'map.amx' loaded.
[19:05:07]   Filterscript 'ilya.amx' unload failed.
[19:05:07]   Актеры подгружены > 146 count
[19:05:07]   3DTexts подгружены > 683 count
[19:05:07]   Pickups подгружены > 130 count
[19:05:07]   Filterscript 'ilya.amx' loaded.
[19:05:07]   Filterscript 'hostname.amx' unload failed.
[19:05:07]   Filterscript 'hostname.amx' loaded.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= [LoadOtherDataServer] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Загружено PawnShop  -> 2 count.
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Modellimit            ->  119/Unlimited
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Загружено домов     ->  1208/1250
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Загружено бизнесов  ->  429/429
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Создано транспорта  ->  429/2000
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Создано объектов    ->  60800/Unlimited
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Создано гангзон     ->  0/1024
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Создано иконки      ->  1160/Unlimited
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Создано 3D текстов  ->  5153/Unlimited
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Создано трейлеров   ->  000015
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Загружено складов   ->  500/501
[19:05:07] [Arizona Alpine] Подгружено ADM Command -> 168
[19:05:07] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
[19:05:07] ilya.amx was database connect_id [0]
[19:05:07] _______________________________________________________
[19:05:07]  developer Morgan_Dev (@frenchmans) © braulk games 2024
[19:05:07]  founder Morgan_Dev (@vk.com/frenchmans)
[19:05:07]  arizona Alpine © 2024 - 202X
[19:05:07] _______________________________________________________
[19:05:07] Number of vehicle models: 78
[19:05:07] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[19:05:07] [join] Sandello has joined the server (0:
[19:05:07] [connection] incoming connection: id: 1
[19:05:07] [join] Dimon_Torreto has joined the server (1:
[19:05:10] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text SELECT `ID`, `Password` FROM `accounts` WHERE `NickName` = 'Sandello' LIMIT 1 & request authorization & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:10] text onSvelteAppInit | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:10] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text onSvelteAppInit & request onSvelteAppInit & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:10] text onSvelteAppVersion|1.0.0|5ede7f5 | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:10] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text onSvelteAppVersion|1.0.0|5ede7f5 & request onSvelteAppVersion & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:13] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 1 & text SELECT `ID`, `Password` FROM `accounts` WHERE `NickName` = 'Dimon_Torreto' LIMIT 1 & request authorization & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:13] text onSvelteAppInit | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:13] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 1 & text onSvelteAppInit & request onSvelteAppInit & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:13] text onSvelteAppVersion|1.0.0|5ede7f5 | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:13] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 1 & text onSvelteAppVersion|1.0.0|5ede7f5 & request onSvelteAppVersion & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:24] text vehicleMenu.loadList | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:24] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text vehicleMenu.loadList & request vehicleMenu.loadList & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:25] text vehicleMenu.loadVehicleInfo|0 | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:26] text vehicleMenu.loadList | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:26] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text vehicleMenu.loadList & request vehicleMenu.loadList & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:27] text vehicleMenu.loadVehicleInfo|0 | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:27] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text vehicleMenu.loadVehicleInfo|0 & request vehicleMenu.loadVehicleInfo & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:28] text vehicleMenu.buttonClick|8 | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:28] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text vehicleMenu.buttonClick|8 & request vehicleMenu.buttonClick & id_var [ 8, 0, 0 ]
[19:05:28] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:05:28] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 0 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:06:00] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:06:00] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 7832 in array of size 7826
[19:06:00] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:06:00] [debug] #0 004ee068 in GetAccessoryPlayerBuff (playerid=0, type=1) at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:92200
[19:06:00] [debug] #1 001f0930 in public ServerTimer () at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:54496
[19:06:12] text onActiveViewChanged|Phone | int 0,0,0,
[19:06:12] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 1 & text onActiveViewChanged|Phone & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:06:14] text launchedApp|14 | int 0,0,0,
[19:06:14] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 1 & text launchedApp|14 & request launchedApp & id_var [ 14, 0, 0 ]
[19:06:15] text onActiveViewChanged|DonationShop | int 0,0,0,
[19:06:15] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 1 & text onActiveViewChanged|DonationShop & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:06:17] text buyItemDonationButton|0|4 | int 0,0,0,
[19:06:23] [connection] incoming connection: id: 2
[19:06:23] [join] Swert has joined the server (2:
[19:06:24] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:06:24] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 1 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:06:29] text onSvelteAppInit | int 0,0,0,
[19:06:29] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onSvelteAppInit & request onSvelteAppInit & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:06:29] text onSvelteAppVersion|1.0.0|de4b995 | int 0,0,0,
[19:06:29] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onSvelteAppVersion|1.0.0|de4b995 & request onSvelteAppVersion & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:06:31] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text SELECT `ID`, `Password` FROM `accounts` WHERE `NickName` = 'Swert' LIMIT 1 & request authorization & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:07:00] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:07:00] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 7832 in array of size 7826
[19:07:00] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:07:00] [debug] #0 004ee068 in GetAccessoryPlayerBuff (playerid=0, type=1) at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:92200
[19:07:00] [debug] #1 001f0930 in public ServerTimer () at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:54496
[19:07:47] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:07:47] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 65535 in array of size 200
[19:07:47] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:07:47] [debug] #0 000728a0 in public ac_OnPlayerDeath (playerid=2, killerid=65535, reason=54) at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:23006
[19:07:47] [debug] #1 0001e4fc in public OnPlayerDeath (playerid=2, killerid=65535, reason=54) at ../library/anticheat.inc:3833
[19:07:55] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:07:55] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 65535 in array of size 200
[19:07:55] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:07:55] [debug] #0 000728a0 in public ac_OnPlayerDeath (playerid=2, killerid=65535, reason=54) at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:23006
[19:07:55] [debug] #1 0001e4fc in public OnPlayerDeath (playerid=2, killerid=65535, reason=54) at ../library/anticheat.inc:3833
[19:08:00] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[19:08:00] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 7832 in array of size 7826
[19:08:00] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:08:00] [debug] #0 004ee068 in GetAccessoryPlayerBuff (playerid=0, type=1) at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:92200
[19:08:00] [debug] #1 001f0930 in public ServerTimer () at C:\Users\GameOn\Desktop\мод\gamemodes\arizona.pwn:54496
[19:08:08] text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessesList | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:08] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessesList & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:09] text business.list.select|0 | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:09] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text business.list.select|0 & request business.list.select & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:09] text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessInformation | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:09] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessInformation & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:12] text business.info.selectTab|15 | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:12] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text business.info.selectTab|15 & request business.info.selectTab & id_var [ 15, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:13] text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessesList | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:13] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessesList & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:14] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:14] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:14] text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessesList | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:14] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|BusinessesList & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:14] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:14] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:16] text onActiveViewChanged|StreetFood | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:16] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|StreetFood & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:17] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:17] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:18] 0, 0, 1727453298
[19:08:18] text onActiveViewChanged|ArizonaPass | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:18] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|ArizonaPass & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:22] text arizona-pass.showDialogBuyPremium | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:22] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text arizona-pass.showDialogBuyPremium & request arizona-pass.showDialogBuyPremium & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:23] text arizona-pass.purchasePremium | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:23] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:23] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:23] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:23] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:23] text onActiveViewChanged|null | int 0,0,0,
[19:08:23] [IPacket: ShowCefPublic] => playerid 2 & text onActiveViewChanged|null & request onActiveViewChanged & id_var [ 0, 0, 0 ]
[19:08:35] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error
[19:08:35] [debug] Native backtrace:
[19:08:35] [debug] #0 f7ad6ed6 in _Z13GetStackTraceRSt6vectorI10StackFrameSaIS0_EEPv () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:08:35] [debug] #1 f7acf210 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler20PrintNativeBacktraceERSoRKN2os7ContextE () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:08:35] [debug] #2 f7ad005c in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler20PrintNativeBacktraceERKN2os7ContextE () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:08:35] [debug] #3 f7ad0bb6 in _ZN18CrashDetectHandler7OnCrashERKN2os7ContextE () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:08:35] [debug] #4 f7ad65c2 in ?? () from plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:08:35] [debug] #5 f7fb15a0 in __kernel_rt_sigreturn () from linux-gate.so.1
[19:08:35] [debug] #6 f7b84786 in ?? () from /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
[19:08:35] [debug] #7 f72420dc in _ZN4CLog11LogFunctionEjPcS0_z () from plugins/mysql_static.so
[19:08:35] [debug] #8 f220e8eb in ?? () from ли тњ
[19:08:35] [debug] Registers:
[19:08:35] [debug] EAX: 00000000 EBX: f752a43c ECX: 00000021 EDX: f72e9436
[19:08:35] [debug] ESI: f6401010 EDI: e5d8eee1 EBP: f1d570f8 ESP: f1d568a4
[19:08:35] [debug] EIP: f7b84786 EFLAGS: 00010283
[19:08:35] [debug] Stack:
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000000: 000010de f6401010 f72420dc e5d8eee1
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000020: 6573206e f1d50074 f1d568dc 00000006
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000040: 34363031 6f592029 61682075 61206576
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000060: 204c5153 746e7973 203b7861 63656863
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000080: 6f632074 73657272 646e6f70 6f742073
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000000a0: 72657672 72657620 6e6f6973 726f6620
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000000c0: 6f742078 65737520 61656e20 27272072
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000000e0: e120e5ed f4e5d8ee e5edec2c d8eee120
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000100: 74612027 6e696c20 20312065 65755128
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000120: 746e756f 53206073 60205445 65766e49
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000140: 4c4c554e 20f3cd2c 21b8f1e2 ecfbf220
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000160: ff2cf4e5 20e0ed20 e5eff3d1 e320dff0
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000180: e5edecf9 d8eee120 df2cf4e5 ebeee320
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000001a0: e120e5ed f4e5d8ee ebf1c52c fbf220e8
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000001c0: d8eee120 ff2cf4e5 20e0ed20 e5eff3d1
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000001e0: f3e4e5f0 e5edecef d8eee120 df2cf4e5
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000200: eceff3e4 e120e5ed f4e5d8ee ff20c02c
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000220: e5edec2c d8eee120 ff2cf4e5 20e0ed20
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000240: 20df2ce9 eeebeee3 21ede5e4 c02ce9c0
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000260: eff3d120 20dff0e5 eeebeee3 21ede5e4
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000280: e5d82cf4 20ff2cf4 d120e0ed f0e5eff3
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000002a0: efe5d220 eee320df e5e4eeeb e5cd21ed
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000002c0: e8cd21ed eafff2f8 e5d12021 eee320df
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000002e0: eee320df e5e4eeeb eece21ed f2eee220
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000300: f2eeeaf0 2ce0e0e0 eee320df e5e4eeeb
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000320: e5e4eeeb e5cd21ed e7eeef20 eef0eee4
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000340: e5d12021 eee320df e5e4eeeb e5cd21ed
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000360: eece21ed f2eee220 eef2fd20 eee320df
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+00000380: e5eff3d1 d22021f0 20dfefe5 eeebeee3
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000003a0: eeebeee3 21ede5e4 f2f8e8cd 2021eaff
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000003c0: 20eee3ee 20dfeee2 eeebeee3 21ede5e4
[19:08:35] [debug] ESP+000003e0: 21ede5e4 eaf0e0cd e0e0f2ee 20df2ce0
[19:08:35] [debug] Loaded modules:
[19:08:35] [debug] 00000000 - 00187dc3 samp03svr
[19:08:35] [debug] f7fb1000 - f7fb2778 linux-gate.so.1
[19:08:35] [debug] f7f9f000 - f7fa1cfc /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libdl.so.2
[19:08:35] [debug] f7f7e000 - f7f9cb63 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
[19:08:35] [debug] f7dff000 - f7f88594 /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6
[19:08:35] [debug] f7cf9000 - f7dfd0d0 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libm.so.6
[19:08:35] [debug] f7cdb000 - f7cf7214 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgcc_s.so.1
[19:08:35] [debug] f7afd000 - f7ce071a /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
[19:08:35] [debug] f7fb3000 - f7fdae0b /lib/ld-linux.so.2
[19:08:35] [debug] f7ab8000 - f7af9e08 plugins/crashdetect.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f7fa5000 - f7fa85d8 plugins/mapandreas.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f79d3000 - f7abab50 plugins/pawncmd.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f7804000 - f79de690 plugins/pawnraknet.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f773e000 - f7803740 plugins/streamer.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f772d000 - f7734b4c /lib/i386-linux-gnu/librt.so.1
[19:08:35] [debug] f771c000 - f772b9b4 plugins/sscanf.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f7738000 - f773b7a0 plugins/TOTP.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f7630000 - f771d467 plugins/YSF.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f7200000 - f75a8ac7 plugins/mysql_static.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f7615000 - f762703c /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libnss_files.so.2
[19:08:35] [debug] f6000000 - f62f335c plugins/libpawn_json.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f6771000 - f68040a1 plugins/pawnbots.so
[19:08:35] [debug] f75b7000 - f75bbb9c /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libnss_dns.so.2
[19:08:35] [debug] f6757000 - f676d878 /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libresolv.so.2

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