- Автор темы
- #1
3.2. Код больше 10 строк необходимо брать еще и под спойлер.
здравствуйте у меня крашит сервер в логах заметил вот этот вот текст
изначально заходил со всеми плагинами но сервер крашился и выдавал "выбранный слот подключения был занят"
помогите решить пожайлуста чтобы я смог зайти на сервер заранее спасибо
набирает сообщение...
изначально заходил со всеми плагинами но сервер крашился и выдавал "выбранный слот подключения был занят"
=========================== FCNPC Exception Handler ============================
Signal 11 (Segmentation fault), address is f1d5f00c from f7aa7714
#0 in plugins/FCNPC.so(_ZN17CExceptionHandler24ExceptionHandlerCallbackEiP9siginfo_tPv+0x126) [0xf62be6e6]
#1 in linux-gate.so.1(__kernel_rt_sigreturn+0) [0xf7ee2090]
#2 in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(cfree+0x24) [0xf7aa7714]
#3 in plugins/mapandreas.so(_ZN11CMapAndreasD1Ev+0x1d) [0xf6b4077d]
#4 in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__cxa_finalize+0xec) [0xf7a5d12c]
#5 in plugins/mapandreas.so(+0x16c3) [0xf6b406c3]
#6 in /lib/ld-linux.so.2(+0x14c3c) [0xf7ef7c3c]
#7 in /lib/ld-linux.so.2(+0x15643) [0xf7ef8643]
#8 in ./samp03svr() [0x80aa237]
#9 in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf1) [0xf7a45b41]
System: GNU/Linux
SA-MP: 0.3.7 R2
FCNPC: 2.0.4
FUNC_CPlayerPool__DeletePlayer: 0x80d0a90
FUNC_CPlayer__Kill: 0x80cb220
FUNC_CPlayer__EnterVehicle: 0x80cc1c0
FUNC_CPlayer__ExitVehicle: 0x80cc340
FUNC_CPlayer__SpawnForWorld: 0x80ccfc0
FUNC_GetVehicleModelInfo: 0x80d5d30
FUNC_CConsole__GetIntVariable: 0x80a0070
FUNC_ClientJoin_RPC: 0x80b0030
VAR_ServerAuthentication: 0x81aa8a8
VAR_NetVersion: 0xfd9
OFFSET_RemoteSystemManager: 0x334
OFFSET_RemoteSystemSize: 0xc69
OFFSET_RemoteSystem__ConnectMode: 0xc62
OFFSET_RemoteSystem__Unknown: 0xc67
=========================== FCNPC Exception Handler ============================
логи сервера
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[13:14:16] filterscripts = "" (string)
[13:14:16] Server Plugins
[13:14:16] --------------
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so
[13:14:16] CrashDetect plugin 4.19
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: sscanf.so
[13:14:16] ===============================
[13:14:16] sscanf plugin loaded.
[13:14:16] Version: 2.8.3
[13:14:16] (c) 2018 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[13:14:16] ===============================
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: streamer.so
*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded ***
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: mysql_static.so
[13:14:16] >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: pawncmd.so
[13:14:16] Pawn.CMD plugin v3.2.0 by urShadow has been loaded
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: TOTP.so
[13:14:16] TOTP plugin v1.0.1 by Games loaded.
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: md5.so
[13:14:16] MD5 v1.2 by BJIADOKC loaded
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: mapandreas.so
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: YSF.so
[13:14:16] ==============================================
[13:14:16] YSF 2.1 (compiled Nov 14 2020 15:44:52) loaded
[13:14:16] (c) 2008 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[13:14:16] (c) 2010 - 2018 kurta999
[13:14:16] (c) 2018 - 2020 IllidanS4
[13:14:16] Server version: 0.3.7 R2-1 or R2-2, Linux
[13:14:16] ==============================================
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: vehiclesIdFix.so
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: pawnraknet.so
[13:14:16] [Pawn.RakNet] plugin v1.6.0 loading...
[13:14:16] [Pawn.RakNet]
| Pawn.RakNet 1.6.0 | 2016 - 2023
| Author and maintainer: katursis
| Compiled: Feb 12 2023 at 19:35:06
| Repository: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.RakNet
| Wiki: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.RakNet/wiki
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: colandreas.so
[13:14:16] Failed (plugins/colandreas.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[13:14:16] Loaded 11 plugins.
[13:14:16] Filterscripts
[13:14:16] ---------------
[13:14:16] Loaded 0 filterscripts.
[13:14:16] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:16] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:16] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:16] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:16] Script[gamemodes/rodina.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:16] Number of vehicle models: 0
[13:14:41] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[13:14:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:42] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:42] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingPacket(0, 24, 0xff847308) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
[13:14:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:42] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:42] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingPacket(0, 30, 0xff847308) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
[13:14:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:42] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:42] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingPacket(0, 41, 0xff847308) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
[13:14:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:42] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:42] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingRPC(0, 25, 0xff846da8) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
[13:14:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:42] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:42] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingPacket(0, 220, 0xff847308) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
[13:14:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:42] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:42] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingPacket(0, 220, 0xff847308) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
[13:14:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:42] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:42] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingPacket(0, 220, 0xff847308) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
[13:15:12] Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[13:15:12] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:15:12] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:15:12] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingPacket(0, 32, 0xff847308) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
Signal 11 (Segmentation fault), address is f1d5f00c from f7aa7714
#0 in plugins/FCNPC.so(_ZN17CExceptionHandler24ExceptionHandlerCallbackEiP9siginfo_tPv+0x126) [0xf62be6e6]
#1 in linux-gate.so.1(__kernel_rt_sigreturn+0) [0xf7ee2090]
#2 in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(cfree+0x24) [0xf7aa7714]
#3 in plugins/mapandreas.so(_ZN11CMapAndreasD1Ev+0x1d) [0xf6b4077d]
#4 in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__cxa_finalize+0xec) [0xf7a5d12c]
#5 in plugins/mapandreas.so(+0x16c3) [0xf6b406c3]
#6 in /lib/ld-linux.so.2(+0x14c3c) [0xf7ef7c3c]
#7 in /lib/ld-linux.so.2(+0x15643) [0xf7ef8643]
#8 in ./samp03svr() [0x80aa237]
#9 in /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf1) [0xf7a45b41]
System: GNU/Linux
SA-MP: 0.3.7 R2
FCNPC: 2.0.4
FUNC_CPlayerPool__DeletePlayer: 0x80d0a90
FUNC_CPlayer__Kill: 0x80cb220
FUNC_CPlayer__EnterVehicle: 0x80cc1c0
FUNC_CPlayer__ExitVehicle: 0x80cc340
FUNC_CPlayer__SpawnForWorld: 0x80ccfc0
FUNC_GetVehicleModelInfo: 0x80d5d30
FUNC_CConsole__GetIntVariable: 0x80a0070
FUNC_ClientJoin_RPC: 0x80b0030
VAR_ServerAuthentication: 0x81aa8a8
VAR_NetVersion: 0xfd9
OFFSET_RemoteSystemManager: 0x334
OFFSET_RemoteSystemSize: 0xc69
OFFSET_RemoteSystem__ConnectMode: 0xc62
OFFSET_RemoteSystem__Unknown: 0xc67
=========================== FCNPC Exception Handler ============================
логи сервера
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[13:14:16] filterscripts = "" (string)
[13:14:16] Server Plugins
[13:14:16] --------------
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: crashdetect.so
[13:14:16] CrashDetect plugin 4.19
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: sscanf.so
[13:14:16] ===============================
[13:14:16] sscanf plugin loaded.
[13:14:16] Version: 2.8.3
[13:14:16] (c) 2018 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[13:14:16] ===============================
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: streamer.so
*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.4 by Incognito loaded ***
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: mysql_static.so
[13:14:16] >> plugin.mysql: R39-6 successfully loaded.
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: pawncmd.so
[13:14:16] Pawn.CMD plugin v3.2.0 by urShadow has been loaded
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: TOTP.so
[13:14:16] TOTP plugin v1.0.1 by Games loaded.
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: md5.so
[13:14:16] MD5 v1.2 by BJIADOKC loaded
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: mapandreas.so
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: YSF.so
[13:14:16] ==============================================
[13:14:16] YSF 2.1 (compiled Nov 14 2020 15:44:52) loaded
[13:14:16] (c) 2008 Alex "Y_Less" Cole
[13:14:16] (c) 2010 - 2018 kurta999
[13:14:16] (c) 2018 - 2020 IllidanS4
[13:14:16] Server version: 0.3.7 R2-1 or R2-2, Linux
[13:14:16] ==============================================
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: vehiclesIdFix.so
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: pawnraknet.so
[13:14:16] [Pawn.RakNet] plugin v1.6.0 loading...
[13:14:16] [Pawn.RakNet]
| Pawn.RakNet 1.6.0 | 2016 - 2023
| Author and maintainer: katursis
| Compiled: Feb 12 2023 at 19:35:06
| Repository: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.RakNet
| Wiki: https://github.com/katursis/Pawn.RakNet/wiki
[13:14:16] Loaded.
[13:14:16] Loading plugin: colandreas.so
[13:14:16] Failed (plugins/colandreas.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[13:14:16] Loaded 11 plugins.
[13:14:16] Filterscripts
[13:14:16] ---------------
[13:14:16] Loaded 0 filterscripts.
[13:14:16] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:16] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:16] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:16] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:16] Script[gamemodes/rodina.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:16] Number of vehicle models: 0
[13:14:41] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[13:14:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:42] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:42] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingPacket(0, 24, 0xff847308) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
[13:14:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:42] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:42] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingPacket(0, 30, 0xff847308) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
[13:14:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:42] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:42] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingPacket(0, 41, 0xff847308) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
[13:14:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:42] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:42] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingRPC(0, 25, 0xff846da8) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
[13:14:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:42] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:42] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingPacket(0, 220, 0xff847308) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
[13:14:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:42] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:42] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingPacket(0, 220, 0xff847308) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
[13:14:42] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:14:42] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:14:42] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingPacket(0, 220, 0xff847308) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
[13:15:12] Kicking because they didn't logon to the game.
[13:15:12] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[13:15:12] [debug] CA_DestroyObject
[13:15:12] [Pawn.RakNet] File or function is not found in public OnIncomingPacket(0, 32, 0xff847308) - please note that the AMX error is not related with the plugin, but your script
помогите решить пожайлуста чтобы я смог зайти на сервер заранее спасибо
набирает сообщение...
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